Folkers Scholarship Entry Folkers Online Scholarship Application Folkers_registration Part One- General Information Application Deadline is September 30, 2023 Name * Name First First Last Last Address * City * State * Zip * Phone * Email address * Name of church where you are a member * Church Street Address * Church City * Church State * Church Zip * Marital Status * SingleMarried Children * YesNo Number of Children None12345 Ages of Children Part Two- Seminary you are attending Name of Seminary * Address of Seminary * City of Seminary * State of Seminary * Zip code of Seminary * Date Started * Expected Completion Date * Part Three- Previous Scholarships Have you received a scholarship from Sibley Trinity before ? * No Yes If you did receive a previous scholarship, how many scholarships did you receive? * None123 Are you receiving government educational loans? * Yes No Are you receiving other scholarships or grants? Amounts? Other supportive information for your financial needs? Part Four- Educational Background List all schools attended, starting with high school. Institution1 Name Institution 1 Diploma/Degree Instiution 1 Year Diploma/Degree Granted Institution 2 Name Institution 2 Diploma/Degree Institution 2 Year Diploma/Degree Given Institution 3 Name Institution 3 Diploma/Degree Institution 3 Year Diploma/Degree Given Part Five- Professional/Occupational Background List present position first. Employer 1 Name Employer 1 Position Employer 1 Dates hired Employer 1 reason for leaving Employer 2 Name Employer 2 Position Employer 2 Dates Hired Employer 2 Reason for Leaving Part Six- Written Response Respond to each question with 300 words or more. Tell us about your discernment of God’s call to ministry. * Tell us about yourself and your plans for ministry. * Tell us why the congregation of Trinity Sibley should invest in you? * Part Seven- Signature By typing my name in the signature field I agree that all information provided with this online submission is true, accurate and complete. Signature * reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.